Wednesday, February 29, 2012

This Post is Provided by Procrastination

With a new year comes a new blog post, and New Years resolutions. This year I resolved to finish my blog early, and I had half of the first post typed up within the first week of school. As it would go I would abandon this resolution soon after, keeping in the American tradition of New Years resolutions, and that post will never see the light of day. In any case this post is inspired by what I had orginally drafted up, and spurred on by the looming due date ( Kids these days, always putting off major quarter long projects to the last second ).

This quarter I have chosen to read Around the World in 80 Days, a classic that while I've seen quite a few remakes I had never read the original. Having already read the book, I'll be going into more detail in a subsequent post. Though honestly my first outlook on the book was somewhat marred by the very wacky spinoffs, I almost expected a mention of a flying machine made Macguyver-esque and a long series of chase scenes. I was glad to see that these fears were completely unfounded, and the book went on to surprise me a bit.

This being the movie I remember →

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