Thursday, December 1, 2011

Life in Dystopia

Ship Breaker, a story about friendship surviving in a dystopian time.
Dystopia, aka the grim future that likely awaits us as the planet can no longer the amount of people living on it.

Nailer's dream is to venture upon the sea, unfortunatly he is stuck in a dead end job on the island he inhabits.

Shipbreaking, a very real occupation, and the type of labor Nailer is forced into at a young age.

Ship breaking is a back breaking labor.

In this future it is common for genetic monstrocities based on human DNA to be kept as slaves.

The land is dominated by broken down, and scrapped cities.
In these broken down cities, the law doesn't exist.

In the future, corporate fat cats still manage to take advantage of others for their own profit.
Without a group to call your own, you are pretty much dead. Loyalty is an important theme in the book, for there are plenty of examples of those without it, and they all end up in terrible situations.
Nailer has a form of almost blind loyalty, he finds this girl broken and washed up, and is willing to risk his life and everything he knows for her.

The fellow ship breakers have a tight relationship.

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